Criminal Defense Law
Odaman & Taskin Law Firm provides legal services in Istanbul about criminal actions and administrative fines arising from general, administrative, financial, economical, communication, media and also trademark, patent and industrial design, trade, tax, insurance, bank, e-commerce, capital market, unfair competition law in the field of intellectual property in Turkey, by starting from the phases of investigation and proceedings of the related matters mentioned above, following these phases and prosecution of an action and managing the process as a complainant, suspect or defense lawyer in Istanbul in the field of Criminal Law.
Odaman & Taskin Law Firm especially executes legal investigation and assessment of the transactions relating to custody, detention, keeping under supervision, questioning, search, confiscation, tracing with technical vehicles, due diligence and recording in litigation criminal court of peace, criminal court of first instance, high criminal court, and files objections, if required, against the resolutions given in this sense and also carries out the processes about appealing the criminal cases and meeting with the detainees and convicts in prison.
Odaman & Taskin Law Firm provides a quick, withstanding and effective service with the cooperation of the academicians specialized and experienced in the field of Criminal Law during the criminal law process that Turkish and foreign, natural and legal persons have met.
Odaman & Taskin Law Firm also provides the following services: Litigation and concluding of criminal cases relating to the crimes committed by foreigner in Turkey in all steps, Preparing Public Prosecutor complaint in Turkey and criminal complaint petitions in Istanbul, Appearing as a lawyer during interrogating in Public Prosecutor, Police Department and Police Station in Istanbul, Objecting to the nolle prosequi and decision of non-prosecution by Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office by proxy, Objecting to the arrest warrant of the defense returned by the courts by proxy, Representing the client in High Criminal Courts in Turkey as defense attorney in Istanbul and lawyer for complainant, Representing the client in Criminal Courts of First Instance in Turkey as defense attorney and lawyer for complainant in Turkey, Representing the client in Criminal Courts of Peace in Turkey as defense attorney and lawyer for complainant, Appealing the decision given by High Criminal Courts, Criminal Courts of First Instance and Criminal Courts of Peace as defense attorney and lawyer for complainant, Performing visits of the prisoners and convicts in jail in Istanbul and Turkey, In addition to the services mentioned above relating to the criminal cases; the Law Firm in Turkey also provides any legal services such as: Litigation and concluding of criminal cases relating to the crimes committed by foreigner in Turkey in all steps, Preparing Public Prosecutor complaint and criminal complaint petitions, Appearing as a lawyer during interrogating in Public Prosecutor, Police Department and Police Station, Objecting to the nolle prosequi and decision of non-prosecution by Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office by proxy, Objecting to the arrest warrant of the defense returned by the courts by proxy, Representing the client in High Criminal Courts in Turkey as defense attorney in Turkey and lawyer for complainant, Representing the client in Criminal Courts of First Instance in Turkey as defense attorney and lawyer for complainant, Representing the client in Criminal Courts of Peace in Turkey as defense attorney in Istanbul and lawyer for complainant, Appealing the decision given by High Criminal Courts, Criminal Courts of First Instance and Criminal Courts of Peace as defense attorney and lawyer for complainant, Performing visits of the prisoners and convicts in jail in Istanbul, Expert Criminal Lawyers in Turkey and Criminal Defense Lawyers in Istanbul also provide any Turkey legal services to the clients about Criminal Law in Istanbul to the companies and individuals in Turkey and Istanbul as both lawyer for complainant, defense lawyer and defense attorney, and about the issues requested by the companies and individuals by Criminal Lawyers in Istanbul on behalf of the foreign natural and legal persons about Criminal Lawyer in Istanbul for the companies and individuals in Istanbul, Turkey.
Legal Proceedings of the transactions relating to transferring and extraditing to Turkey of T.R. citizens who committed crime abroad within extradition, Pursuing the Criminal Cases in Turkey relating to the international organized crimes in all steps, Pursuing the criminal cases included in organized crimes, financial crimes and drug crimes in Istanbul, drug crimes defense lawyer in Istanbul all phases and managing the process in all steps, Odaman & Taskin Law Firm especially provides expert criminal lawyers in Turkey in the field of Criminal Law in Turkey and legal consulting services about criminal law.